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Building a biolistic
'gene gun'

For everyone who's ever wanted to hold a bacterium at gun-point!


  • Built as a group a low-cost biolistic gene gun designed to insert genetic material into E.coli

  • Successfully transformed a control group using electroporation

  • Wrote a scientific manuscript summarizing our efforts and findings

  • Approximately $2500 cheaper than commercial options

the gun.jpg
the gun.jpg
Built a low-cost gene gun with the goal of speedy plasmid insertion 
Microbiology Independent Project

Microbial Genetic Transformation With Low-Cost DIY Gene Gun

Hover for

more info!

coster rica
Conducted field work in several key projects in collaboration with a local non-profit organization
Summer Internship 2021


Check out this  ArcGIS Story Map about our project:

A two month internship with the Wildlife Conservation Association of Costa Rica​​​


  • Researched and designed interactive map exploring how landscape, politics, and urbanization influence local ecology

  • Managed water testing programs, including data collection, analysis, and public outreach

  • Co-designed, implemented, and analyzed the results of a Rapid Biodiversity Assessment in local parklands 




Explore with my Experiment Kit:

Training up the next generation of scientists...


  • Designed three kid-friendly astrobiology experiments/activities

  • Assembled 20 kits including a phone microscope, an original informative and interactive booklet, and the materials for three activities

  • Donated kits to kids in need

Created and donated 20 astrobiology themed
science kits aimed at 8-12 year olds.
Mastery Project

U-Xplore: Experiment

Kits 4 Scientific Kids

Designed and taught
a 5 week videography
curriculum, and provided 1 on 1 tutoring to my peers.
Mastery Project



Take a look at my Videography Portfolio:

If a picture says a thousand words, a video must be an encyclopaedia!​


  • Filmed an interview with Lao Director Mattie Do

  • Produced and edited promotional videos for El Renacer del Campo and Comma Coffee

  • Founder of TGS Film Collective

Listen to my Podcasts:

Video killed the radio star, but podcasts are just getting started!​


  • Designed a website, produced videos, and created per episode social media posts for World Teacher Podcast, an educational podcast about social change.

  • Host and Audio Producer for Burn Your Draft, Reed College's flagship podcast on the senior thesis experience

I have worked for two podcasts, managing everything from audio and video engineering to web design and hosting. 
World Teacher Podcast & Burn Your Draft

Podcast Production, Hosting, & More

© 2023 by Amelie Andreas. Proudly created with

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