microbiologist in training, traveler,
& videographer
Building a biolistic
'gene gun'
For everyone who's ever wanted to hold a bacterium at gun-point!
Built as a group a low-cost biolistic gene gun designed to insert genetic material into E.coli
Successfully transformed a control group using electroporation
Wrote a scientific manuscript summarizing our efforts and findings
Approximately $2500 cheaper than commercial options
Built a low-cost gene gun with the goal of speedy plasmid insertion
Microbiology Independent Project
Microbial Genetic Transformation With Low-Cost DIY Gene Gun
Hover for
more info!
Conducted field work in several key projects in collaboration with a local non-profit organization
Summer Internship 2021
Check out this ArcGIS Story Map about our project:
A two month internship with the Wildlife Conservation Association of Costa Rica​​​
Researched and designed interactive map exploring how landscape, politics, and urbanization influence local ecology
Managed water testing programs, including data collection, analysis, and public outreach
Co-designed, implemented, and analyzed the results of a Rapid Biodiversity Assessment in local parklands
Explore with my Experiment Kit:
Training up the next generation of scientists...
Designed three kid-friendly astrobiology experiments/activities
Assembled 20 kits including a phone microscope, an original informative and interactive booklet, and the materials for three activities
Donated kits to kids in need
Created and donated 20 astrobiology themed
science kits aimed at 8-12 year olds.
Mastery Project
U-Xplore: Experiment
Kits 4 Scientific Kids
Designed and taught
a 5 week videography
curriculum, and provided 1 on 1 tutoring to my peers.
Mastery Project
Take a look at my Videography Portfolio:
If a picture says a thousand words, a video must be an encyclopaedia!​
Filmed an interview with Lao Director Mattie Do
Produced and edited promotional videos for El Renacer del Campo and Comma Coffee
Founder of TGS Film Collective
Listen to my Podcasts:
Video killed the radio star, but podcasts are just getting started!​
Designed a website, produced videos, and created per episode social media posts for World Teacher Podcast, an educational podcast about social change.
Host and Audio Producer for Burn Your Draft, Reed College's flagship podcast on the senior thesis experience